About Us
- Peter Johnson (Chair)
- Matt Nobbs (Director)
- Vikki Fischer (Director)
- Greg Baynham (Director)
- Dick Cordy (Director)
- Craig Leseberg (Deputy CEO and GM Community Rugby)
1a. The Community Rugby Committee isestablished by the Board underthe Constitution of the Australian Capital Territory & Southern New South Wales Rugby Union Limited (the Union).
1b. The Committee has delegated authority from the Board to supervise and review the implementation of the Board's Strategic Plan, with regard to the administration, growth and development of Rugby Union within the Australian Capital Territory and Southern New South Wales. It may review and investigate any matter within the scope of its Charter and make recommendations to the Board in relation to the outcomes.
1c. Inthis Charter the following terms have the following meanings:
i. President means the President of the Union.
ii. General Manager - Community Rugby means the senior executive of the Union who reports directly to the CEO.
2a. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board to discharge its responsibilities relating to the management and development of Community Rugby within the Australian Capital Territory and Southern New South Wales region.
2b. The day-to-day management and supervision of the General Manager – Community Rugby is the sole responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer of the Union.
3a. The Committee shall consist of:
i. The President;
ii. Two Directors of the Board;
iii. A local registered players’ representative nominated jointly by the Presidents of the seven Premier Clubs;
iv. A representative appointed jointly by the ACT Junior Rugby Union and ACT Schools Rugby Union;
v. An independent representative nominated by any voting member of the Union or other members of this committee. If there is more than one nomination, the members of this committee will elect the representative by a vote and a simple majority will determine the outcome of the vote; and
vi. The General Manager - Community Rugby.
3b. The Chair of the Committee shall be elected by the members of the Committee. The Chair will have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote on any matter.
3c. The General Manager - Community Rugby or his representative staff member shall be the Secretary of the Committee.
4a. The Committee will meet as frequently as required but no lessthan four times a year.
4b. The quorum necessary for a meeting of the Committee shall be 4 voting members, of whom at least two must be Directors of the Union. Inthe absence of the Chair, the Committee members will elect one of the Directors present to act as Chair for that meeting.
5a. The Chair of the Committee shall report the deliberations and recommendations, if any, of the Committee to the next Board meeting after each meeting of the Committee.
5b. The minutes of all Committee meetings will be circulated to members of the Union Board by the
In addition to any other matters that may be delegated to the Committee by the Board (including special investigations), the Committee's responsibilities include but are not limited to:
6a. Confirming policies and practices for Community Rugby in the ACT & Southern NSW region.
6b. Supporting the staff providing development and management services in the region.
6c. Maintaining a continuous review of development programs within the region.
6d. Ensuring that the ACT, Monaro, Southern Inland and South Coast Rugby Unions continue to provide viable competitions for all persons who wish to be involved with rugby.
6e. Providing a viable representative program for eligible participants both at junior and senior levels.
6f. Providing an effective pathway for the aspirations of rugby players participating in competitions associated with or controlled by the Union.
6g. Seeking to increase participation numbers and supporter numbers within the region.
6h. Monitoring and where required initiating action to assist in the development and growth of all rugby clubs within the region.
6i. Act as the dispensation committee of the ACT, Monaro and South Coast rugby competitions in determining eligibility of players to play in respective grades and senior rugby competitions.
7a. The performance of the Committee shall be measured by the Board against this Charter and any other relevant criteria as determined by the Board.
7b. The Community Rugby Charter shall be reviewed annually and revised as appropriate. Any changes to the Charter will require the approval of the Board.